Monday, 31 August 2015

                                          Matter lesson

The matter basics clip that we watched in class today. Feel free to watch again if there were some things you did not understand.

                   Maths IXL Follow up homework tasks:

Your goal is to complete these tasks until mastery. These questions relate to some of the learning we have done with the short IKAN number knowledge quiz.

F1- Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions.

F7- Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions.

Extra for experts- F2- Simplifying fractions.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

                                           Number Knowledge:

Currently we are doing some diagnostic assessment with IKAN (Individual knowledge assessment of number) to get an idea of some of the 'work on's within our class.

Here is the link to the quiz we did today. See if you can improve on your result.
Landscapes and land forms:

Todays session

Key inquiry questions that we will look to answer this term:

1) What is a landform?
2) How are landscapes formed?
3) How have humans contributed to the erosion of landscapes?
4) How do different people appreciate the same landscape?
5) What is sustainability?
6) What is geomorphology?
                              Key Moments in History

Homework Task:  
1) Finish title page: Vikings
2) Order these important events in history and give a brief description as to what was the impact of the event on society or how did it change the world?

Gutenburgs printing press
Roman aqueducts
American Revolution
Moon landing
Pompeii found
Pompeii volcano
Roman concrete
Birth of prophet Muhammad
World war one
Industrial revolution
World war two
Russian cold wars (Monkey)
Tearing down of the Berlin Wall
The battle of Hastings

e.g. One could be 911- Changed how the world reacted to terrorism and changed how the world economy functioned.

Due: Thursday 3rd September

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Maths Websites

For maths follow up tasks we will be using the IXL programme that most of you will already be familiar with.

Here is the link:

Below is a list of your username and passwords.

The first thing I would do is change your password to something easy that you will remember.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

                                                           Welcome Back

Greetings to all students, family and friends of 8J. I hope you enjoyed your summer break.

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Reuben Potaka and I am from Tauranga in New Zealand. I arrived here in Sharjah just one week ago and am enjoying my first impressions living in the UAE. It is extremely different to New Zealand. New Zealand is known for it’s clean and green landscape and currently it is nearing the end of a cool winter for generally a moderate climate.

My interests outside of school include a variety of sports and keeping fit. I hope to get involved with the Sharjah Wanderers rugby team in the next few weeks.

I am looking forward to the challenges that working in such a culturally diverse country brings. Any way you can help me little things around the school that help it function I would be very grateful. 

Students again welcome back and I am looking forward to working with you this year. Parents I look forward to meeting you all. I wish you and your your family many successes this year.

Mr Reuben Potaka
                                       Our Timetable- 8J