Saturday 23 January 2016

Writing a Movie Review – The Truman Show 24/1

After viewing the film ‘The Truman Show you are to write a review of the film. 

1. Watch the movie.  You have already seen the movie once, now watch the movie a second time as it will help you absorb a lot more detail about the movie.  You may want to take notes as you watch the movie.

2.  Title.  Have a catchy title.  You can play with words to make it funny or different.  Your title will indicate if the review is going to be a positive or negative one.

3.  Paragraph 1:  Opening paragraph.  You can start to summarise the film and give early suggestions about your general review of it.

4.  Paragraph 2:  Continue with the summary of the film.  Do not give details about the ending or else no one will want to go and see the film!!

5.  Paragraphs 3 and 4:  Positive or negative things that you thought of the film. What did you like?  Why?  Use descriptive words, think about the story, setting, effects used, music used.

6.  Paragraphs 5 and possibly 6: Characterization. Write about the characters, did you like them?  Did the actors play them well?  What was it about their portrayal that you liked or didn’t like?  What are your other impressions of the characters? 

7.  Paragraph 7:  Final comments – general comment that summarise your view of the film.  You may want to say something inspiring to get the reader to want to out and see the film.
Make sure you mention who this movie is suitable for.  At the end of your review you would give it a star rating out of 5.

Common words and phrases used in film reviews that you might want to use in your own reviews.

spectacular visual effects, breathtaking, mood, atmosphere, detail, unsuccessful, scenery, setting perfect, moments, plot, suspense, disappointing, original, very moving, quality of the film, I was impressed by, credible, captivating, interesting, thrilled, hilarious, wonderful.

                                      Due date: This is due Thursday 28th February

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